1. Illusion and passion in equal parts


In this first article I want to give al lof you the most warming welcome.

I’m ÉXITOTV’s CEO. If you look in or most recent website and you have a bit of curiosity for knowing who I am and also who are we, what we do, what we have done and our work philosophy; I’m sure watching our videos and clicking around you can make a quick picture.

There is a word very used in the las years that represents me very well: entrepreneur. Yes, because I always have been.

I remember when I was at the school courtyard and I was only a child, organizing theatrical plays with my school partners, in what we called the break time back then. With great success, because no one had ever thought in such audacity. Even the teachers were surprised of my initiatives.

Then, in my long journey of years and years, I’ve had many adventures on my way. All of them can be defined in two words: illusion and passion for what I’ve done.

This website-exitotv.es-is a portrait to recap a part of all of this and, at the same time, is the presentation we needed for our actual and past clients; and for the future ones, so they can decide if we are their communication, media and production agency.

I promise you, if you read my BLOG, you won’t get bored. I’m going to tell you frequently what we do and many secrets you will be pleased to know. Secrets about the world of advertising, creativity, television, show-business in general. All of this with my excellent capacity as a professional in the advertising and audiovisual sector, as a producer and also as a manager of many characters in the television’s world.

And of course, from now on, I encourage you to contact with us if you want to join our team. If you’re a person creatively different, if you think a NO is a word that can barely exist in the audiovisual production; and of course, if you also need a push in your company, business and brand; wherever you’re bigger or smaller, we don’t mind.
