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Program 112 of our magazine ¿Perdona?, broadcasted on 28.05.17, presented by Elsa Anka and Enric Escudé.

In the section “DEBATIMOS” the following topics were discussed:

Do we care about the image of others?

The contributors were:

1- Carmen Hernández-Coach International-www.carmehernandez.es

2- Andrea Vilallonga- Image and Communication Consultant.

3- Miguel Iglesias-Director “Neuroscientific School of Love”.

4- Germán Rámirez- Radio and TV collaborator.

5- Natalia Urdinguio- Director “Escuela Neurocientífica del Amor” (Neuroscientific School of Love).

6- Charo Serrano- Economist and Designer-www.charoserrano.com

7- Elena Antón- Journalist, actress and reporter.

8-Yolanda Muñoz-Communication Manager “Aula i Compani”.

We also saw our small tribute to the victims of the attack at the Manchester Arena , at the end of the concert of 22.5.17 of Ariana Grande.

In “La silla de la verdad” we sat the seer Sandro Rey, who also presented us with a song called “Lagarta”.