ÉxitoTV at the Premis Impacte 2023

For several years now, Premis Imacte have been held in Catalonia to recognize achievements in the advertising and communication industry.

The CEO of ÉxitoTV at the IMPACTE party of the Advertising and Communication sector.

The Premis Impacte have already celebrated 10 editions in Catalonia. The Communication and Marketing sector has the opportunity to come together, greet each other, have a good time, and, in the process, reward some of the chosen ones at these annual awards. Many people attend this event to participate, but obviously not everyone submits their candidacy for one of the awards.

In this 2023 edition, there were several awards, and some categories remained empty by the decision of the jury. However, the most remarkable aspect was the feeling that the pandemic is starting to become somewhat distant. The event took place at the Teatre Prado in Sitges, with over 400 professionals gathered there. The presentation was hosted by Arturo Valls, and the gala was directed by Carles Ortet. The distinguished honor of Member of Honor from the Col·legi el economista and marketing expert Enric Jové was received during the ceremony.

The TV spot for La Marató de TV3, created by K1000, won the double gold award of the night.